Good data science, bad data science

…and why the difference matters.

We can call data science the practice of making (high-quality) decisions using data.

The order is (1) decision making (2) using data, not (1) decision driven (2) data. So, ideally, it’s not stirring the data pile for evidence to support a decision.

That’s a good place to start. We also need to:

  1. Make the business case really well in advance. Bringing in a half-baked problem or asking the wrong question won’t lead to the best insights.
  2. Understand what the models can and cannot do. We certainly need more of this in the LLM land. A Gen AI project is cool, but is it what the problem needs?
  3. Stick to the data. Data is real. Models add assumptions. Whether it’s experimental or observational, predictive or causal, the data must rule.
  4. Divide, focus, and conquer. Prioritize the most important needs. You can measure and track all metrics, but that’s probably not what you really need.
  5. Align the problem and available data with the assumptions embedded in the modeling solution. Testing the assumptions is the only way to know what’s real and what’s not.
  6. Choose the better solution over the faster one, and the simple solution over the complicated one for long-term value creation. This needs no explanation.

Some rules of good (vs. bad) data science, based on insights from projects I’ve been involved with in one way or another. #3 and #5 are most closely related to a framework we are working on: data centricity.

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